Tarteel ul Quran - Teacher Training Class 1 - Qudratullah Ayaz Sahib | For Ansar and Khuddam |
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday to Wednesday 7:30am - 8:30am Eastern
Tarteelul-Qur'an - Teacher Certification - Naimah Ahmed Sahiba | English | For Lajna |
Tarteel ul Quran
Wednesday to Saturday from 9-10 pm CST
Tarteel ul Quran for Khuddam - Hafiz Atiq sahib |Evening|
Tarteel ul Quran
Thursdays from 9:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Tarteel ul Quran for Khuddam - Hafiz Atiq sahib |Evening|
Tarteel ul Quran
Tuesdays from 9:00pm - 09:45pm EST
Tarteelul Qur'an - Anjum Qureshi Sahiba | One-on-one | English | Lajna, Aftal and Nasiraat |
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday to Thursday from 9:30am - 11am MST / 12:30pm - 1pm EST
Tarteelul Qur'an - Teacher Certification - Zahidah Rehman sahiba | Urdu | For Lajna |
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00pm - 6:00pm EST
Tarteelul Qur'an - Naimah Ahmad sahiba |Atfal / Nasirat|
Tarteel ul Quran
Monday to Wednesday from 4:00pm - 5:00pm CST